Monday 2 November 2009

Preperation for first stamp

For my first 3D stamp I am going to do a solifugae which is an order of the arachnida family and is nicknamed by the locals 'Camel Spider'. it has 8 legs but isn't technically a spider although is somewhat very close to it. the name solifugae is latin for the ones who flee from the sun. it has 2 very large antennae-like pedipalps which extrude from the head and look like an extra pair of legs. they are used for climbing and capturing flying prey. the solifugae have 2 very small legs which are used for feeling and sensing (like antennae) and the other 6 legs are used for running. I have done a sketch of a spider and have plenty of reference images and will be modelling and texturing it ready to show on friday. i'll upload the sketch once i can take a picture of it.

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